PDP Women Leader Death: Inquiry Not Enough

PDP Women Leader Death: Inquiry Not Enough

A few days ago, President Muhammadu Buhari ordered a comprehensive investigation to unravel the circumstances surrounding the death of a PDP women leader in Kogi State, Salome Abuh. To say that was a needless death is an understatement. Politics shouldn’t be a do or die affair.

Politicians put up fronts that claim they stand elections to serve the people; how far from the truth can that be! There are always hidden agenda. There are always things done in secrecy. The desperation to bring their secret counsel to pass drives them so hard they would hurt and kill anyone and anything that stands in the way. These things ought not to be. And it should stop.

The deaths recorded during the elections in Kogi and Bayelsa States were preventable and very much avoidable. Too many security agents were deployed to these states; that should count for something. The professionalism of most of these agents have been called to question. They have been accused of complicity.

Senator Dino Melaye released pictures of a particular man on social media. This man was pictured in many places in the military camouflage. He’s reported to have been one of the many fake policemen deployed for election duties; how long should we keep at this?

A man lost his wife. Four people lost their mum. Some persons lost their aunt. To some, she’s one thing or the other; would an investigation bring her back to be all of the things she was to any of these persons?

Good as it is for government to investigate cases of murder to forestall possible reoccurrence, the intent of government might not be as should they portray it to be. Can the APC-led government of Kogi State, in truth, deny not having foreknowledge of the burning of the woman in her house? We can’t keep deceiving ourselves.

The woman’s husband said APC loyalists had warned him of their their ability to harm him and his household when they deem necessary; they definitely wouldn’t be acting that boldly in lawlessness if they have no ally in government.

President Muhammadu Buhari must understand the king whose tenure is peaceful wouldn’t be forgotten. Ditto one whose tenure is violence-filled. Mere investigations aren’t enough. Punishment should be meted out to offenders, no matter how highly placed, to serve as deterrent to others.

Nigeria is our home.

Aroso Akintomide
Twitter: @tomidearoso