Nigeria becoming one-party state – APC

Nigeria becoming one-party state – APC

The All Progressives Congress (APC) on Sunday mocked the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

The ruling party said Nigeria deserves a strong, vibrant opposition to play its conventional role in the polity to deepen democracy.

“Sadly, Nigeria is becoming a one-party state. As a party that believes in democracy and progressive politics, we cannot pretend any longer”, APC national publicity secretary, Lanre Issa-Onilu said in a statement.

He noted that democracy cannot be said to be fully operational in a situation where the PDP has become a joke, irresponsible and rudderless.

“Even as the governing party, we recognize the importance of rigorous and intelligent interrogation of our policies and programmes by the opposition”, the statement continued.

“There are a lot to gain by our democracy and our country in an atmosphere of robust engagement by responsible and patriotic opposition.

“The political system we practice has important roles for the political parties outside of power. The system envisaged that such parties would provide alternative viewpoints and put the governing party on its toes.

“Instead, the PDP and their minions have in the name of opposition continued to distract the government and Nigerians with their post-election delusions, salacious fictions, conjured rifts in government circle and of course the lowest of it all, the pathetic and senseless Jubril of Sudan malicious tale, among other fake news. Tragic!

“It is sad that PDP has finally proved incapable of filling this important democratic space. The other mushroom parties are even worse. Some of the smaller parties are filled with incurable charlatans issuing infantile weekly press statements on behalf of the PDP. Our democracy deserves better.

“The so called Congress of United Political Parties (CUPP), which could have filled the vacuum and engaged the APC administration in useful debates over governance, has become a comedy theater group and frontline PDP minion.

“CUPP has the unenviable mandate to try to intimidate and blackmail important state institutions such as INEC, the judiciary, and security agencies, on behalf of PDP with the hope of gaining political advantage having been rejected by the majority of the voters.

“As the current administration tackles our national challenges and at a period we all should focus on issues of nation building, the best PDP and its acolytes are offering is a distraction.

“While the PDP wallows in its obscene conducts, Nigeria under the President Muhammadu Buhari-led APC administration will continue to consolidate on its status as Africa’s largest economy.

“Despite inheriting a battered economy, the administration is growing the economy after pulling it out of recession.

“The administration’s record investments in agriculture, social investments and infrastructure projects are paying off hugely”, the spokesman added.